A Guide To Clear Communication That Is Effective And Free Of Ambiguities

February 26, 2018 Azelio Pinto 0

Being able to communicate in a clear and concise manner is a life skill everyone needs to learn, yet we rarely take the time to improve our communication skills. So here are a few tips to keep in mind when you want to communicate effectively.

Gestures, facial expressions and body language
Your non-verbal cues play a very big role in how you appear while you are interacting with those around you. Because, whether or not you are talking you are still communicating. So make a conscious effort to convey positive emotions through your body language and facial expressions. For instance, if someone is talking to you and you happen to be on your phone, you need to put your phone aside and pay full attention to whoever is speaking to you as it shows a lack of respect for the other person when you text while talking. On that note remember to put away any distractions while you are in a conversation. If you want to truly show that you are listening, then nod understandingly whenever it is appropriate to nod and sensibly comment a few times on what the other individual is telling you.

Listen more, talk less and be concise when you do talk
Do not go on and on about something when you can say it in a few sentences or less. The more concise you are the more clarity you will usually have in speech so get to the point and don’t ‘dance around a topic’ so to speak. If you have ever heard of the 7 C’s of communication, then you would know that being clear and concise are two main parts of communication along with being coherent, correct, concrete, complete and courteous. So keep these factors in mind and you will surely be considered to be someone who communicates well. If you are still struggling however you can easily take some coaching courses online or onsite at various places that will help you communicate better.

Think of ‘why’ you are having a certain conversation
Before you speak know the reason you have for speaking. Are you trying to clarify a doubt or explain an incident or learn something new? If you do not know what you want to accomplish by having this conversation, then it will surely be a waste of time and energy on your part and for the others as well. Knowing why exactly you are having a conversation helps steer it in the right direction and makes your speech more purposeful and thoughtful. But if you find that you are still unable to communicate appropriately then do some research on  https://www.lifecoachingacademy.edu.au/nlp/ and it should make things easier for you.
If you follow these tips it will certainly make your communication clearer and more meaningful too.coaching-education